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Seventeen members of the MCA family spent the third week of June serving as volunteers for S.E.E.K. Camp at Lake Bridgeport, Texas.

S.E.E.K. stands for Summer Events for Exceptional Kampers.  The camp provides a five day overnight summer camp experience for special needs young adults.

McKinney Christian Academy students Parker Barrett, Megan Chinners, Morgan Chinners, Sarah Chinners, Marco Cueva, Braxton Fillebrown, Luke Harrell, Madi Johnson, Jon Nyberg, Charlie Stubbs, Sydney Tubiolo, and Lexie Vance served as counselors working one on one with campers with autism, down's syndrome, and cerebral palsy.  As counselors their responsibilities began at 7:30 each morning when they helped their camper get out of bed and dressed and then took them to breakfast.  The counselors then went with their camper to morning worship followed by a busy morning of crafts, music and recreation workshops.  After lunch campers and counselors enjoyed sports and swim time.  Supper was followed by different nightly special events and evening worship.  After assisting with getting their camper into bed the counselors enjoyed some time of fellowship and free time together while the lead counselors stayed with the campers.

MCA parents and staff members Bill Chinners, LeeAnn Fillebrown, Corey Johnson, and Michael Tucker served as lead counselors and Tricia Chinners served as camp nurse.

Michael Tucker, MCA Geometry teacher stated "MCA will make this an annual volunteering opportunity.  The week was a great experience for all involved.  The students stepped up to make the whole camp experience enjoyable and a great success."

McKinney Christian Academy exists to honor Jesus Christ by teaching students to live biblically through education of mind, body and spirit.  If you would like to take a tour of the MCA campus or receive more information about the school, Melodie Bajema, Director of Admissions, can be reached at 214-544-2658 ext. 4325 or

McKinney Christian Academy  -  3601 Bois D'Arc Road, McKinney, Texas  75071  -  214-544-2658  -

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