Towry Jordan- Barnard and her team have created a family-friendly show featuring Zugio and the Sunshine Kidz. This unique concept was developed to encourage and educate children to create healthy habits in their early childhood years hoping to prevent many of the unnecessary health conditions that exist within our children today.

Zugio is a fun-loving, energetic turquoise, rainbow, striped zebra that teaches positive living and healthy habits to children in their early childhood years. Sunshine Kidz are children who try their best to make healthy choices daily so they can “Shine Brighter” in this world. The DVD was shot in high definition with ZUGIO leading children on an unforgettable journey traveling to three unique lands teaching them how to be active and make healthy choices. This is a one-of-a kind show energizing and engaging young children.

Mrs. Jordan-Barnard and her team have teamed up with Tate Publishing and Enterprises to promote and publish the new DVD. The DVD and future books will be available upon release through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore, or by visiting barnesandnoble.com or amazon.com.

The completed beautifully produced DVD can be purchased now at www.gozugio.com

There is also a DVD Release Party. Saturday May 2, 2015 from 4:00 - 5:30 at Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church Gymnasium.
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