Google Is Focused on Local – Are You?

Bernadette Coleman

It’s All About Local – And That’s Not Just Because Google Says So

We live in a local-driven world, I’m sure you haven’t let that slip your mind. Google knows it, which is why they are focused on serving local results; just like consumers are focused on eating and shopping locally (for the most part.)

I mentioned before that near me” searches are up by 900%. I think it is safe to say consumers want things now, they want them fast and, obviously, as close as possible. If you Google “localized” you’ll find a few interesting articles on the topic. They have some important insights to consider, even though not all of them are recent.

#Google Is Focused on Local – Are You? asks @Advice_Local #SEO
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On Rank Ranger’s website there is a detailed studied about Google’s Local Pack distance patterns. Check it out, if you haven’t already.

On the Moz blog, you’ll find an article on geomodified searches, localized results and how to track the right keywords that is also worth a read.

Just this week, Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Roundtable shared some interesting thoughts on how Google My Business adds localized business names. A feature, by the way, that seems to have been out for a while but that not everyone has been able to access. This feature  – not accessible through the GMB dashboard – will let you edit the name of a business directly in web search. The example Barry used is McDonald’s, but spelled in the Russian language. It’s a country-specific feature.

What Is Local SEO?

What’s the Point of These Examples?

“Localized” can take many different directions and mean different things to different people – and to search engines, obviously.

This is why when a consumer searches for “wine bars near me” or “best plumbers near me” the answers will always vary. The answers are based on location, obviously, but also on the optimization of the business’ listings, reviews, website content, landing pages, local presence and any ads that might be running.

Did you know that for intent searches (someone looking to buy a product), paid ads get 65 percent of clicks? On average, 41 percent of clicks go to the top 3 paid ads on the search results page!

To capture market share over competitors, it’s important to track all the business’ keywords, and write headlines and descriptions that compel the local searcher to click; and once the searcher clicks through from search results, to keep them on the page or clicking through to another one. Ideally, these posts will take them to a page to perform a clear task, whether buying, scheduling a visit or a consult, or taking other type of real-world action – one that generates a sale or a lead at the minimum.

Take Action Now

I have so many methods to drive local traffic that putting them all here would make this newsletter too long! Instead, you can read more about them in these links:

You’ll find a theme through each of these articles, and it all starts with trust. Remember, 73 percent of consumers lose trust in a local business if they display inconsistent information online and 67 percent lose trust if they get lost en-route to the local business.

Local SEO is powerful and important. Take a look at BrightLocal’s 2018 Expert Local Citation Survey, I chimed in on the impact and importance of local SEO, along with 21 other SEO pros.

What Are You Doing to Help Your Local-Business Clients Get More Local Traffic?

At Advice Local, we have the team and the talent to help you. Request a demo to learn more today.

P.S. What are you doing next week? On September 19-20, the Local Marketing Institute will bring you 20 video sessions on digital marketing tactics for local search (SEO), online ratings & reviews and more. You can watch from anywhere in the world on just about any device. I’ll be presenting along with a ton of other industry experts. Here’s the link to register for free.

Advice Local Partner News

Join us in welcoming InfoBel to our Real-Time Data Syndication Engine. While InfoBel has been one of the sources available within our Data Amplifier Network, they are now real-time. No more long waits to see this listing go live for our partners! Starting now, InfoBel will be available to partners who place new orders with us.

Judy’s Book is on the rise.We have been fine-tuning this powerful directory site. Businesses listed there could see a rise in their listings on local search results. Foursquare has been refactored, and faster results are coming from there too.

In the world of reporting, our downloadable/printable PDF report now displays segmentation of the data sources.

If you haven’t partnered with Advice Local yet, it’s time to get started. Our listing distribution & management services are top-notch.

Featured Resources

The Voice Search Generation Is Changing Local Search Optimization

How Voice Search Is Revolutionizing Consumer BehaviorVoice Search - Google Mini - Bernadette Coleman

These Voice Search Stats Will Blow Local Businesses’ Minds

From Around The Web

1. Could Artificial Intelligence Be Responsible for Content Creation?

This is a scary fact! If something as human as writing or creating content could be done by robots, what couldn’t they do? Take a look at what these content robots are already doing.

2. Personalization Is Key for Local Consumers

We’ve said before that consumers want their online experience as personalized as possible. Here are a few ways local businesses can make that happen. It’s all about strategy!

3. Local Search Forum Says Goodbye to Key Player

Linda Buquet, founder of Local Search Forum, has said her final goodbye as she sold her company to Joy Hawkins. Joy is a SEO genius, so the forum is in good hands!

4. Blocking EU Users Over GDPR Turning Into a Google Nightmare

Instead of dealing with the data privacy regulations in Europe, some companies have resorted to blocking EU users from their websites; but Google is still showing snippets. Maybe crawling from Europe is in the near future?

5. This Is What’s Happening With Voice Assistants

These stats and facts will help business owners make smart decisions when it comes to voice search optimization and content. Spoiler: voice assistants are here to stay!

6. Consumers Want Brands to Be Responsible for Using Technology in the Right Way

A recent study shows that consumers expect technological innovation from brands, but if they cannot do it ethically, the government should step in. What do you think about that?

This Week’s Featured Articles by the #QueenofLocalSEO

Local Content Marketing Plan

How to Start a Local Content Marketing Plan in Five Simple Steps

A goal is the first thing a business needs to start a content marketing plan; then comes the audience… and everything else!

Marketing 101 for the Local, Small Business

Marketing 101 for the Local, Small Business

Learning where to market is essential for businesses. Not all searches are created equal! Local, small businesses need to target the right audience in the right places to see results.

Like what you read? Subscribe to our newsletter and get this emailed to your inbox each week.

The post Google Is Focused on Local – Are You? appeared first on Advice Local.

The Voice Search Generation Is Changing Local Search Optimization

Voice search is now a reality – it’s pretty much taking over without a care in the world. I’ve been hinting at this for several years now, but did anyone hear? Perhaps it required a bit too much reading between the lines back then.

Businesses and brands have had plenty of time to prepare. But who took action? Unfortunately, very few. People don’t like change because it requires changing up strategies that have been working. I get that – but it’s time to come to terms with the fact that voice-enabled devices and digital assistants are changing how we do SEO. Strategies that once worked are slowly being phased out – painful but true. Google and consumers want and expect more from local businesses, brands, and their websites.

The #VoiceSearch Generation Is Changing Local #Search Optimization by @BernieColeman #SEO
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I’m sure you are familiar with Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana or Alexa – the powerhouses of voice search. Every year we watch as the big tech brands launch the newest features available within their product suite. It’s just mind-blowing what these voice-enabled devices can do now! Just a couple of months ago, Google Assistant made a real call during a presentation to set up a hair appointment. This is only one example of what these voice assistants can do – and, it’s only the beginning.

Voice Search Is Revolutionizing Consumer Behavior

Voice search is so simple and straightforward that it is changing consumer behavior, search strategies, and their expectations. We’ve mentioned before that today’s consumer is super-empowered, and yes, voice search is partially to blame.

People are no longer worried about typos. So they don’t know the correct spelling of quiche– they don’t care! And why would they? Voice search is there to help searchers with anything they want to know, without their ever typing a single word. Isn’t that convenient?

Voice Search - Google Mini - Bernadette Coleman

Convenient may be too mild a term. In fact, it is so convenient that, according to Google, 20% of mobile queries on its Android app were voice searches. Now that is a powerful stat if ever I’ve seen one.

And now that I’ve talked a little about voice search and why it’s bringing the future to the present, it’s time to turn our attention to what voice search can do for a local business.

Voice Search Optimization for a Local Business

Optimizing content for voice search is a different monster. We are no longer looking at short, concise titles full of keywords, which is what consumers would search for when typing. We are looking at questions and answers, long titles using natural language that is consumer-friendly. It is essential to remember this: when creating content, the writer is not speaking to a machine, but to real people. And these real people want real results in real-time – and in an understandable, readable format.

While optimizing content for voice search may be different than what you’re used to, everything else remains the same: great content, accurate listings, and good reviews still matter the most. Michael Fertik wrote this for “Complete, accurate business listings; relevant, timely and easy-to-understand content; high ratings and good reviews and all the factors that help your website land the first few spots on a SERP – these also help you rise to the top in voice search.” The one key difference? Voice search will produce a single result, versus the multiple results delivered by a typed search for the consumer to select from.

Getting a single result means several things. It doesn’t matter how pretty a website is, or how well-placed the buttons and calls-to-action are. If a consumer can’t find it, then in the voice search-powered world we are in, it doesn’t exist.

It is a reality that consumers are using voice to do everyday searches, including finding local businesses. Did you know that a BrightLocal study shows 58 percent of consumers have used voice search to find local business information in the last 12 months? This also means that if a local business is not optimized for voice search, they are losing out on potential leads and customers.

The local businesses, franchises and brands we represent are well-covered when it comes to voice search. We optimize and submit local business data to data amplifiers (data aggregators), data accelerators (search engines and local profiles), and data enhancers (directories and GPS mapping solutions) to ensure they show up in consumers’ voice searches. You can read about data sources that distribute to voice-enabled devices here.

Who’s Using Voice Search?

Everyone, it seems! According to Dave Davies, Search Engine Land contributor, the largest group of voice search users is 35–44 years old. Meanwhile, millennials between the ages of 25 and 34 are the most comfortable using voice search in public.

Don’t discount those baby boomers, though! Fifty-one percent of people 55+ use voice search because it “empowers [them] to instantly get answers and information,” according to Think With Google’s Sara Kleinberg. This statistic makes perfect sense. Think about it. Phones keep getting more complicated to use and font sizes aren’t getting any bigger. The reading glasses generation (I’m there too, so not knocking anyone)likes to avoid a tiny screen as much as possible. Why squint when you can speak? Voice search meets this need for people in this age group.

The young’uns (you know, those 10-year-olds wielding their parents’ old smartphone) use voice-enabled features too. For example, they’ll have Siri type their text messages to friends, and have Amazon’s Echo search for information on the web. That’s how their parents do it, so they mimic their behavior and do the same.

All Aboard! The Voice Search Train Has Left the Station

Hold on, because you haven’t totally missed it! There’s still time to help your local business clients get onboard. There is no better way to help local businesses get found than with voice search optimization strategies.

Start with optimizing their local business listings on the data sources that submit to voice-enabled devices, and then move onto optimizing their website content for voice search (click the link – it’s how to get started).

Get onboard with the Advice Local team. Our local search professionals can help. Request a demo to learn more today.

Local Presence Management Reseller Solution

The post The Voice Search Generation Is Changing Local Search Optimization appeared first on Advice Local.

Change Is Inevitable - Find Out How to Win With Google This Week

Bernadette Coleman

Find Out How to Win With Google This Week

It’s been an interesting week in the local search space; it’s also been an interesting week in the social space. Wow, even in the area of reviews! Which one impacts you the most? Keep reading to find out.

John Mueller Says “Use Those Reviews”

It seems we have the official blessing from Google’s John Mueller to post reviews received on third-party sites on the local business websites we manage. John does caution to make sure the structured markup is not applied on these copied reviews and to give credit to the source site. Not sure how happy this approval will make Yelp and other third-party sites, but Google is fine with it.

Brand Pages No Longer Accessible Through the GMB Dashboard

A few days ago, it was announced on the Google My Business (GMB) Community that the brand pages will no longer be accessible through the GMB dashboard. Page managers and owners will have to access them through their Google+ account.

Brand Pages No Longer Accessible Through the GMB Dashboard

Secondary Links in a GMB Listing Can Deliver Results

A community manager on the GMB Community reminded everyone that adding additional links to the GMB listing is recommend for some businesses. The options vary based on the type of business. As an example, for our GMB listing, we have the option to add an appointment URL.

Secondary Links in a GMB Listing Can Deliver Results

As they pointed out, “these links make it easier for customers to take action directly from Google Search or Maps.” The point that caught my attention was how some GMB listings will include links to third-party booking services automatically.

The downside of automatically including third-party links is that the local business will have to contact the provider and opt-out of their service to get the link removed. It can take several weeks to get the link removed and that is only after the provider has notified Google of the opt-out. In summary, a reallylong time, which is not ideal.

Facebook Users Are Hitting Delete

It seems that over 25% of Facebook users report they have deleted the app from their phone. I have a few theories about it. Could it be because of all the bad press Facebook has been getting lately? Maybe it’s the privacy issues that seem to plaque this popular social network; or have smartphone users just decided they have better things to do with their time? It could be that many are starting to look at it as a search engine – I’ve talked about this before. Do you still have the app installed? If not, why did you delete it?

Change Is Inevitable

If you follow this email weekly then you must have realized that change is inevitable. Google will continue to change. Consumers will continue to change. Technology will continue to change.

It doesn’t matter how many times things change, you can count on us to help you make a smooth transition. If you are not already a partner, request a demo today to learn why our partners love us.

Advice Local Partner News

iBegin joins Advice Local’s Data Amplifier Network this week. This directory services the USA, Canada, the UK and New Zealand. They have a long list of cities you can browse on their website.

Did you know we select the directories that make it into our Data Amplifier Network based on 23 different metrics? Citations are important, and it’s about quality, not quantity. Here’s why.

Feature Resources

Reviews: The Ranking Tool You Need to Target

Reviews: The Ranking Tool You Need to Target

Review Marketing Strategies

Encouraging Customer Reviews Is Easier Than Ever

From Around the Web

1. Why Semantic Search Is One of the Most Accurate Search Methods to Date

Businesses should stay ahead of the game by leveraging semantic search. It gives users tailormade results based on their browsing history and more!

2. Please Don’t Write a How-To Guide Advising to Break Google’s TOS

Google’s John Mueller ran into an article from a big online publisher on “how to scrape search results.” It didn’t go so well for the writer. Awkward.

3. How the “Near Me” Search Can Transform Into Real Results for Local Businesses

There is nothing more powerful for local businesses than the “near me” search. Businesses can thank the 82 percent of mobile shoppers using the term daily.

4. Will Instagram Be the New Force to Be Reckoned With in the E-Commerce World?

Facebook is looking for a way to compete with Amazon. The answer? An Instagram standalone shopping app is under development.

5. Bot Labelling Might Be Coming to Twitter After Senate Grilling

Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey confirmed for the first time that his social media platform might start labelling bots, but this might prove harder to do than it sounds. Read all about it here.

6. Local Businesses Mostly Affected by Google’s Big Algorithm Update

From on-site content quality to local and organic results affected, see all the ways in which local and small businesses were affected in early August.

This Week’s Featured Articles by the #QueenofLocalSEO

5 Online Behaviors Local Businesses Should Avoid at All Costs

5 Online Behaviors Local Businesses Should Avoid at All Costs

It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole while trying to “fix” a business’ online presence. From having the wrong content to low-quality backlinks, here are 5 behaviors to stay away from!

How a Local Business Website Can Build Trust

How a Local Business Website Can Build Trust

If there is anything a local business should know is that online trust is earned. Expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness can go a long way!

Like what you read? Subscribe to our newsletter and get this emailed to your inbox each week.

The post Change Is Inevitable – Find Out How to Win With Google This Week appeared first on Advice Local.

It’s All About “the Google”

Bernadette ColemanIt Really Is All About “the Google” – Here’s Why You Can’t Ignore Them

Whether you love Google or love to hate them, we can’t get around the fact that they rule the internet—they have over 90 percent of the search engine market share worldwide, after all.

In fact, as of today, Google has 86.39 percent of the market in the United States! Needless to say, no one can afford to ignore “the Google.”

Google has 86.39 percent of the market in the United States

But what does this mean for local businesses’ visibility? It means that they have to use Google’s products and tools, and comply with their every whim. The good news is, it seems Google had a whim to make using Google My Business easier, which I think we can all agree makes us love them today.

Google My Business Made Easy

Today, I want to talk to you about the most recent update to the Google My Business (GMB) API. Update 4.2 has some amazing perks! Here are a few I would like to highlight.

1. Verification via API? Say What?!

If you have ever verified a GMB listing, then you have probably received a PIN code via a phone call or postcard. This process is frustrating, especially if you are a digital marketing company verifying a GMB listing for one of your clients. How many times have you had to request the PIN code because the client didn’t take the call or lost the postcard?

A few years back, Google made the process easier by letting companies like us become Google Trusted Verifiers. We are one of those trusted verifiers and happy to help our partners get through the GMB verification process more seamlessly. Verification is part of the GMB optimization service we offer.

With the API 4.2 update, listing management companies like us can trigger and complete the verification process without even logging into the GMB dashboard. We have the ability to optimize the GMB listing via API right now! Once we get this new feature integrated into our technology, our partners will love us even more.

2. A Win-Win for Multi-Location Brands

Google decided to give big brands some love. Multi-location brands and businesses have always struggled with a way to tell Google that a specific group of locations are connected. The 4.2 update includes new fields that will allow us to tell Google when a GMB location is part of a specific chain. This is a win-win situation because now, when a consumer searches for a brand name, they will be more likely to see the individual locations appear instead of just the brand.

3. Google Posts for Products via the API – Yes, Really

Google Posts for Products via the API

Another exciting feature available in this update is product posts. This new type of Google Post is a great way for a business to highlight new products and shine a light on existing ones. Right now, if the account has 10 or more locations in it, they can’t submit these types of posts via API. Hopefully this will change soon. Fingers crossed!

Don’t worry though, for our agency partners, franchises and the brands we represent, we can publish these product posts via the GMB dashboard with a little extra effort.

If you want to know more about this Google My Business API update here’s the link.

We’re Here to Help

What’s next?Nobody really knows that when it comes to Google, but you can bet it will keep us growing and going! If all this API mumble-jumble has you baffled, don’t worry. The Advice Local team is here to help. We stay on top of the latest and greatest, so you can focus on sales. Let our team do the heavy lifting. Request a demo to learn more today.

Featured Resources

 Franchises Need Local Listing Management, Too – Here’s Why

Why Local Listing Management Matters for Franchises

Business Listing FB

Get the Tricks to Optimize a Google My Business Listing

From Around the Web

1. Google Correlate Is the Research Tool Any SEO Arsenal Needs

Google Correlate is the SEO tool that we’ve all been waiting for. It finds keywords with similarities between regions and time of search that will help any business.

2. Why Brands Should Look Into Voice Integration Before Their Competition

Stuck on voice search strategies? Maybe it’s time for brands to look at voice integration. There’s still time to jump on board and dominate!

3. Start Using PDFs to Get Ahead in Search Results

PDFs are no longer a SEO no-no. Google has confirmed they convert PDFs into HTML for search indexing. It takes a while to re-index, so make sure they are good to go before you hit upload.

4. It’s Time to Learn How to Use Bing Webmaster Tools Like Pros

From widgets to copyright removal notices, webmaster tools API and specialty services, any business can use this guide to become a Bing master. Check it out!

5. Google Won’t Stop Changing Images on Featured Snippets

If a business wants their image to show as part of Google’s featured snippets, it has to choose the right one. Otherwise, Google will continue using an optimized image from a secondary site!

6. More Shoppers Are Now Choosing E-Commerce

Physical purchases still rule the world of commerce, but when it comes to repeat purchases 47 percent happen in online marketplaces. Brands must make sure their sites are optimized!

This Week’s Featured Articles by the #QueenofLocalSEO

Keyword Not Provided

A ‘Keyword Not Provided’ World Can Make It Hard to See Results

Ready for a pop quiz? Test your knowledge of SEO and the online world in a slideshow that will tell you everything there is to know about tracking campaign effectiveness.

Bernadette Coleman Google Now

Google Now Is the Personal Assistant You Didn’t Know You Needed

Even if Google Now’s name is not as cute and catchy as Siri, Alexa or Cortana, the technology behind this personal assistant is nothing short of magnificent. Read on to learn why!

Like what you read? Subscribe to our newsletter and get this emailed to your inbox each week.

The post It’s All About “the Google” appeared first on Advice Local.

Franchises Need Local Listing Management, Too – Here’s Why

Franchises, more than many other kinds of businesses, need to be on top of their local presence online. Between managing dozens or even hundreds of different listings, responding to reviews, and touching base with their respective communities, franchise companies have their work cut out for them.

That’s why they need local listing management partners to help bear the load. Let’s talk about why.

Franchises Need Local Listing Management, Too – @BernieColeman Shares Why #SEO
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Local SEO Is Not Just a Passing Fancy – And “Near Me” Is Also Here to Stay

Today, almost every aspect of society is focused around a mobile, digital world. When people need to find a service or product, they immediately turn to their smart devices. Local businesses and brands realize that they need to be a part of this digital landscape, but when it comes to managing their online reputation and digital presence, some franchises are falling behind.

The average consumer wants to find what they’re looking for in a matter of seconds. They hop onto their favorite search engine (most likely Google), and begin a hunt for the perfect product or service. Every day, Google receives 63,000 searches per second. Users search for places and things “near me” and prioritize accurate results above all else.

“Near me” is so powerful that “near me” searches are up by 900 percent this year, and “for me” and “should I” come in close behind, with increases of 60 and 65 percent.

When a franchise fails to manage their business listings for each location, they are missing out on the opportunity to place above their competitors in search results. In fact, they will rank poorly in search results(if they rank at all), and when people do stumble across a franchisee’s location, the information will likely be inaccurate or outdated.

Incorrect names, addresses, and phone numbers (NAP) can cause franchise owners to suffer from “bad data,” which I talk about quite a bit. Studies have shown 67 percent of consumers lose trust in a brand if they get lost en route to a location due to an incorrect address online, and 73% lose trust in businesses that exhibit inconsistent location details.

Bad data hurts franchises just like any other business, and without help correcting this data, each franchisee’s location will struggle to place in the first page of search results. Thankfully, there are services that can help turn this bad situation into good. Keep reading to learn about local listing management solutions for franchises.

How Local Listing Management Can Help Franchises Take Control

At Advice Local, we offer a comprehensive local presence management solution. This includes local directory listing management, Google My Business claiming, reputation monitoring and more. Franchise owners can trust us to put an end to bad data, and help them reach the customers who seek them in their moments of need, i.e., during search queries.

How do we tackle bad data and turn things around for franchises? Take a look at an overview of our strategy for franchises and businesses alike.

1) We Tackle the Competition Head-On

When a franchise places in the top spot in search results, the objective isn’t to compete with the other franchisees, but to place above the franchise’s rivals. We can build unique content, create websites that are optimized for local search, plus location landing pages. Most importantly, for all the locations we manage data for, we make sure that the local business listings are accurate and optimized. We get to know the competition and develop strategies to beat them out in local search results, one by one.

2) Reaching the Stars Requires a Navigator and a Map

First of all, every franchise mustclaim their Google My Business listing. Most people know that – but what they don’t realize is they also need to create and manage their listings in dozens of other places such as Bing, niche directories, Judy’s Book, and more.

Advice Local takes it beyond just managing listings on directories. We help our franchise partners’ locations get found by submitting to data aggregators and GPS mapping solutions like HERE, Foursquare and Waze.

Voice search is nothing to laugh at either. By 2020, 50% of all searches will be voice searches, comScore predicts. According to BrightLocal’s 2018 Voice Search for Local Business Study, 46% of voice search users look for a local business via voice search on a daily basis.

We help the many franchisees we represent get found in local search via voice search, too. Submitting to these powerful data sources ensures consumers will find the location closest to them on Google Voice, Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and even Samsung’s Bixby.

3) We Make Review Monitoring Easy – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Because so many consumers rely on online reviews to make informed decisions about their purchases, a reputation on sites like Facebook, Yelp, Google, and the BBB can dramatically impact the relationship of a business with its prospective customers.

What many franchise owners don’t realize is that these online reviews are also indexed by search engines, and they influence placement in search results. The more positive reviews people leave, the more trustworthy the franchise appears. It’s vital that franchises stay on top of their online reputation, and respond to negative and positive reviews accordingly.

While we can’t get a negative review removed, we can certainly make it easy to monitor and respond to them. It’s important to make every best effort to resolve negative reviews, and have a process in place to encourage positive reviews by happy customers. Advice Local’s local presence management solution makes it easy to monitor reviews, share them on social media, and more.

4) We Can Take Care of the Behind-the-Scenes, Too

There’s a lot more to local SEO than directory listings, maps, and Google My Business. Chances are, franchise owners don’t know half of what goes into structuring data and optimizing their websites for search, and that’s OK when Advice Local is on the job.

Advice Local is the team behind the scenes, working to keep our franchisee owners online local presence pristine. We work to improve search placement, increase conversions, and the bottom line as well. Real-time results? That’s just our thing.

Our top-notch customer service ensures our franchise owners are never left out in the cold! We have online support, phone support, and the knowledge needed to help a franchisee expand their local presence online.

Franchise Owners – Now Is the Time to Take Control

As you can see, a great deal of work goes into managing and maintaining a franchise’s local presence online. We’re ready to lend a helping hand. Request a demo to get started today.

Local Business Listing Solution

The post Franchises Need Local Listing Management, Too – Here’s Why appeared first on Advice Local.

“Near Me” Search Is Up 900% – Find Out Why You Should Care!

Bernadette ColemanEach week, we scour the web for what’s new and what’s hot. This week, before I talk about “what’s new,” let’s talk about “what’s hot.”

“Near Me” is “What’s Hot”

As you may know, each year the #AdviceLocal team huddles up and pulls out the most impactful internet trends revealed by Mary Meeker of Kleiner Perkins (formerly Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, aka KPCB) for our annual infographic based on her Internet Trends Report. Just this week we released the infographic. (Make sure you check it out! You can embed it on your blogs and share it with your friends.)

Following and understanding internet trends and how we can leverage these to plan local and digital marketing campaigns for the upcoming quarter and 2019 is extremely important.

Today, I want to explore a few insights revealed in the infographic and how it ties directly to your local search strategies.

Internet Trends 2018 - Near Me Search

“Near me” searches are up 900 percent from 2015. It’s not just “near me” users are searching, though. “For me” is up 60 percent and “should I” is at 65 percent. Why does this matter? Consumers are very serious about getting exactly what they want, when they want it.

Do you remember those micro-moments consumers have each day? They are now super-empowered too.

Are you providing frictionless experiences, answers consumers are seeking and a way to find and communicate with businesses easily – all of this directly accessible from search results?

It’s Not as Simple as Checking a Box and Calling It a Day

You have to:

  • Continually fine tune the local marketing strategies you are employing for the businesses you represent;
  • Maintain the accuracy of the online data related to the businesses and monitor their reputation, and respond to reviews accordingly; and
  • Be proactive, present and aware of the best practices & how they are shifting and make changes along the way, almost as often as Google does.

The digital playground is no longer ours, it belongs to the consumer. We have to meet them on their terms and play by their rules to win. Digital marketers are not the only ones who have to comply.

The Industry Giants Are Keeping Up, Too

Just this week:

  • Google updated the local pack. Now, Google Posts on local business listings are viewable within search results. No more having to click the GMB listing to see the posts;
  • In an effort to avoid discriminatory practices, Facebook announced that they are removing 5000 ad targeting options. They are also rolling out a program all US advertisers must complete to certify they are in compliance with non-discrimination policies; and
  • It seems people (and Google) are tired of only hearing bad news. The Google Assistant will now find positive news stories when asked “Tell me something good.”

This is the only news that happened this week to meet consumer expectations. It’s all over the web. We’ve included more of it below.

P.S. I’ve only covered one of the nine topics detailed in the infographic: What happens when online impacts life offline. You can access the other big takeaways and my additional insights here.

Advice Local Partner News

You Asked and We Listened

Just this week we rolled out an update to our reporting, specifically to the rollup report export file. A link to each of the live directory listings will now be included within the export file.

While we only highlight the coolest updates here, rest assured we are making updates daily to make it easier for each of our partners to win at local listing management. If you are not a partner yet, request a demo to find out how we can help you and the local businesses you represent.

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What Happens When Online Impacts Life Offline: The Big Takeaways From the 2018 Internet Trends Report

Biggest Takeaways From the 2018 Internet Trends Report

From The Queen of Local SEO, Bernadette Coleman
Omni-Channel Marketing for Local Businesses: Get It Done

From Around the Web

1. News From Google: Ads Scores, SERP Previews, Featured Snippets & More

Over the past couple of weeks, Google has rolled out new & updated features, including scores on ads, SERP previews on forum posts, and Google Suggest buttons on Featured Snippets.

2. Google My Business Posts Now Appear in Google Local Search Packs

This is huge news for local businesses! If a business uses GMB correctly, their posts should show up on its local search pack, thus increasing the business’ local visibility.

3. A Nice Change – ‘Good News’ From Google Assistant

If you are tired of only hearing negative news, then this update is what you’ve been waiting for. The Google Assistant will now respond to the command “Tell me something good!”

4. Video Ad Budgets See a Raise, Will Hit $103B by 2023

Video ads have been experiencing mind-blowing growth in recent years, with over 200 million users expected in 2018. Advertisers are taking notice, so it’s only natural that budgets are on the rise.

5. Wow! Here Are the 100 Most Searched Keywords on Google in the Last Year

This is a wonderful infographic that shows the most popular keywords in the past year. Would you be surprised to know that “weather” was number 1? Click here to see the rest!

6. Marketing Is Moving In-House, But Not Without a Fight

Brands have been transitioning their marketing in-house, in the hopes of controlling their company data; but is that ideal? Agencies are fighting back with arguments and results.

This Week’s Featured Articles by the #QueenofLocalSEO

Micro-Moments Infographic by Bernadette Coleman

Micro-Moments Made Possible by Mobile

What are micro-moments, you ask? Take a look at this infographic to learn more about this interesting trend, made possible by mobile.

Web and Consumers Are Evolving Hand in Hand

If web is evolving and consumers are doing it too, it’s only fitting that businesses evolve as well. Learn the actions that can make a difference to a business when it comes to evolution.

Like what you read? Subscribe to our newsletter and get this emailed to your inbox each week.

The post “Near Me” Search Is Up 900% – Find Out Why You Should Care! appeared first on Advice Local.

What Happens When Online Impacts Life Offline: The Big Takeaways From the 2018 Internet Trends Report

It’s that time of year again! The Advice Local Team and the #QueenofLocalSEO have reviewed the 2018 Internet Trends Report to find the most impressive and significant highlights. And, today, we’re bringing you the 2018 Internet Trends Report Infographic. (Definitely snag it and share with your clients and friends. We love when you embed and share our infographics.)

But Wait… There’s More

Every year, Mary Meeker of Kleiner Perkins (formerly Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield & Byers aka KPCB) presents The Internet Trends Report. She reveals the vital data she and others have gathered over the past year about consumers, digital marketers, brands, and advertisers.

We take it a step further, because, let’s face it: the nearly 300-page slideshow is a lot to take in. We selected the most important pieces of information, and now I’m sharing them with you, along with an analysis.

Get @BernieColeman’s Big Takeaways From the 2018 #Internet Trends Report #SEO #Mobile #Search
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The #QueenofLocalSEO’s Big Takeaways From the 2018 Internet Trends Report

Internet Trends 2018 Report

Today, we’ll explore what happens when “online” impacts life offline. Let’s get right into the top nine trends that deserve your attention.

1. There Are Fewer New Internet Users – Because Everyone Is Already On It

Internet Trends 2018 - Internet Usage

It comes as no surprise to anyone that global internet usage is no longer increasing at a drastic rate. Look around you: almost everyone has access to the internet via some kind of mobile or digital device.

As of 2018, 3.6 billion people are on the internet. Over half of the world’s population is active online. As a result, the internet wields remarkable influence on how we market products, search for information, and live our daily lives.

 2. Mobile and Digital Device Usage Is at a Peak

Internet Trends 2018 - Mobile Usage

If you’re like most people in the Western world, you likely spend about six hours a day on your digital devices. That’s 42 hours a week spent engaged with the online world.

Perhaps that’s why our environment is catering to the digital landscape. There are now more than 450 million Wi-Fi networks around the world, and 60 percent of all payment transactions occur digitally. You can do almost anything with your smart device. Our world is transitioning to this lifestyle a little more with every click we make.

#Mobile is taking over. Users are spending about 6 hours per day on smart devices.
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3. Social Media Is Where It’s At

Internet Trends 2018 - Social Media Users

Once again, this is no surprise to most of us. However, it is impressive to see the staggering number of users on the most popular platforms. Facebook has 2.2 billion accounts, Pinterest has 200 million, and Spotify has 170 million.

Whether they’re sharing their favorite tunes or posting pictures of their summer vacations, people are doing it on social media. That means something for companies and advertisers. Personalization is everything, and local marketers in this digital world need to focus on accommodating future and current customers.

4. E-Commerce Is Transforming Search As We Speak

Internet Trends 2018 - Ecommerce Impacting Search

We’ve all ordered our fair share of products from Amazon and other online stores. Since 2017, e-commerce revenue has gone up 16 percent. People are more likely to search for their items online than ever before. In fact, 49 percent of people start a product search on Amazon and 36 percent begin their hunt on some type of search engine.

 5. Is Mobile Video the Marketing Technique of the Future?

Internet Trends 2018 - Video Marketing Trends

As you scroll through your social media feeds, videos pop up in the form of advertisements, entertainment, and educational content. Videos are an essential part of the digital landscape for a variety of purposes.

Right now, 70 percent of YouTube users find help with their school, work, and hobby problems via videos. Daily video usage on a mobile device has increased by 22 percent, and the average mobile user watches videos for at least 30 minutes a day.

What does this mean for our marketing techniques and engagement with potential customers? How are you adapting your digital strategy to include video?

6. Voice Search and Voice-Controlled Products Are Here to Stay

Internet Trends 2018 - Voice Search

Chances are, you have some form of voice-controlled product in your home, like an Amazon Echo or a Google Home. Amazon Echo has grown in popularity this year by more than 30 million, and its skills have increased to 30,000. Google’s Machine Learning is more precise than ever, now with a word accuracy level of 95 percent.

I have long stated that vocal search is the way of the future. The increasing popularity and improvement of products like these back this belief up.

Voice #search is not going away! Over 30M #Amazon Echos have been sold shares @BernieColeman
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7. Users Want Immediate Results

Internet Trends 2018 - Mapping User Preferences

To secure the love of the tech-savvy and modern digital user, everything online needs to be in “real-time.” Just look at the apps that are popular right now.

  • More than 100 million drivers are using Waze for navigation because it responds to real-time accidents and traffic blocks.
  • 100 million people are posting real-time social stories for their friends to see immediately.
  • People leave recommendations and reviews on Nextdoor to instantaneously spread the word about places they love (or hate).

Now is not the time for delayed gratification. People want things to happen NOW, and digital producers are responding to this desire with glee.

8. Is the “Me” Revolution Taking Over Search Results?

Internet Trends 2018 - Near Me Search

Everything, including search engine results, is being personalized in 2018. Searches with the phrase “near me” are up by 900 percent this year, and “for me” and “should I” come in close behind with 60 and 65 percent increases. People want search results that are pertinent to their location and lifestyle, and the phrases they use reflect that desire.

These stats are not surprising at all. Let’s face it: Google started pushing the micro-moment in 2015 because consumers want it all on demand. Today, Google calls these consumers super-empowered. They are curious, demanding and impatient.

Is the “Me” Consumer here to stay? #Google #Search is changing says @BernieColeman
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9. The Big Takeaways

Internet Trends 2018 - Takeaways

To wrap-up the nearly 300-page masterpiece, here are six big things to keep in mind over the next year.

  1. In short, mobile devices are getting better, faster, and cheaper.
  2. Access to the internet has risen dramatically, and now, usage is at an all-time high.
  3. Since the internet has reached market penetration, growth will be harder to find.
  4. The demand for real-time product development will continue to increase.
  5. Internet popularity and social media have led to breaches of privacy and data among both consumers and marketers. This will continue to be an ongoing issue.
  6. As consumers become more empowered, we’ll continue to see personalization in demand and safety practices evolving.

Now It’s Time to Take Action

You’ve got the information. Are you ready for the next step? It’s time to put these trends into action for the local businesses or brands you represent. If you find you need some help along the way, request a demo. The Advice Local team is here for you.

Local Presence Management Reseller Solution

The post What Happens When Online Impacts Life Offline: The Big Takeaways From the 2018 Internet Trends Report appeared first on Advice Local.

Internet Trends Report 2018 Infographic

If you know anything about digital marketing and internet trends, then you know that Mary Meeker of Kleiner Perkins (formerly Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, aka KPCB)  is the woman to watch. Her annual Internet Trends Report at the Code Conference sets the tone for thousands of companies and users. This is why we share important highlights with you each year.

The Advice Local team has reviewed the deck and discovered some of the most influential and educational tidbits from the 2018 Internet Trends Report. Check out our infographic to see how it all breaks down.

I’m digging the @KPCB Internet Trends Report #Infographic by @Advice_Local #Mobile #SEO
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You can get detailed insights from the #QueenofLocalSEO on the top Internet Trends of 2018 in this article.

To share the graphic with your followers and friends, scroll down to get the embed code.

Need help leveraging these trends for your company? Request a demo with Advice Local to find out how you can do just that.

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Get the Roadmap to Getting Local Businesses Found in Voice Search

Bernadette ColemanIs Voice Search Just the New Cool Thing to Talk About?

Or, is it a reality that all local businesses and brands need to embrace? How many times a day do you use a smart device to find something or learn something?

Alexa, Google Home, Siri, Cortana – all of these voice-enabled technologies are delivering answers or performing a task on your behalf daily, if you’re like me. This is voice search at its simplest form.

While consumers may not be making all their buying decisions via voice yet, the fact is that they are searching. According to a BrightLocal survey, 46% of voice search users look for a local business daily. This is powerful. Voice search is no longer in its infancy. Local businesses can’t afford to miss out on getting found through digital assistants.

According to the Kleiner Perkins 2018 Internet Trends Report, Amazon’s Echo grew in popularity by more than 30 million users. Amazon Echo Skills have increased to 30,000 and Google Machine Learning word accuracy is at 95%. Remember, voice search and these types of devices barely existed a few years back. They have made tremendous leaps and bounds in their technology and growth.

Amazon Echo Stats for 2018

Amazon and Microsoft are even working together on voice technology. Just this week, they released a preview of Cortana with Alexa integration.

Voice search is so important that we want you – our partners, friends and local business customers – to know we have you covered on the top voice platforms.

Here’s the Roadmap to Getting Found in Voice Search

  1. Strong listings on Google, Apple, Yelp and Bing are a must. We include Apple and Bing in every package we offer. For an additional fee, we can also optimize and manage Google My Business and Yelp listings. With these options, Google Voice, Siri and Cortana are covered.
  2. In order to be found in Samsung’s Bixby interface, we submit local business data to Here and Foursquare. Here and Foursquare are included every package we offer, too.
  3. Don’t worry, we didn’t forget about Alexa. Businesses that submit to the data aggregator Localeze are covered in voice search on Alexa.

Voice search is just one of the many reasons it’s important to submit more than just the name, address and phone number (NAP) for local businesses to data sources. An optimized listing includes information about the business, photos, business hours, reviews, links to social media, and more. Each listing should leverage each component and feature available to maximize impact and visibility.

Not sure if the local businesses you represent are getting found online and in voice search? We can help you with that. Run our free online visibility report today and see how they stack up against the competition.

Featured Resources

Making Local Search Trends Simple in 2018

Local Search Trends Made Simple – Infographic

Voice Search and Local SEO for Local Businesses

Voice Search Is Coming Strong: Learn the Basics

From Around the Web

1. Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: Truth or Myth?

Is it true that Google has 200 factors that determine a website’s ranking in their search engine? Find the truth – and 11 more facts about ranking factors– here!

2. New Google Search Console Gets 3 Additional Features

Google is merging the old with the new, adding old features to the newest beta version of the Google Search Console. Brands will soon be able to manage users, add sites and much more!

3. How a Business Can Optimize Its Content Using Data Collection

Grant Simmons talks on #SEMrushchat about running a successful content marketing strategy. The main secret? Data collection and usage. Learn more from the search marketing guru.

4. New Survey Shows Customers Interested in Social Media Discounts

Are businesses taking advantage of social media? They might not be. A survey shows only 18% of marketers prioritize social media deals, missing out on potential customers.

5. Local Relationships More Important to Brands Than National Image

Any business should be thinking first about their local image, customer relationships, services and marketing. Read Robert Blatt’s discussion to learn why.

6. Why Trying to Pass Off Old Content as New Is a Big No-No

Many businesses resort to the old “republish old content” trick, but according to Google’s John Mueller, that’s a no-no. See why he thinks this is a bad habit when it comes to user experience.

This Week’s Featured Articles by the #QueenofLocalSEO

Is Mobile SEO a Real Thing?

Mobile SEO: Does It Really Exist?

Not only does mobile SEO exist, it is also extremely important. With Google moving to a mobile-first focus, mobile SEO is something every business should worry about.

Brands Can Attract More Nearby Customers With These Local Strategies

Brands Can Attract More Nearby Customers With These Local Strategies

Google My Business, authoritative citations and local link building are only a few local presence management strategies that could work wonders for businesses!

Like what you read? Subscribe to our newsletter and get this emailed to your inbox each week.

The post Get the Roadmap to Getting Local Businesses Found in Voice Search appeared first on Advice Local.

Making Local Search Trends Simple in 2018

As you know, I’m passionate about local search and making it as simple as possible. I even have an entire content series called “Local Search Made Easy” dedicated to this focus. Today, we are taking it a step further and providing you with an infographic on 2018 local search trends to back it up even more.

2018 Local #Search Trends Made Simple #Infographic by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Don’t worry, for those who like to read, I have a summary, too. But first, here’s the infographic. Ready?

Making Local Search Simple in 2018

 Making Local Search Simple in 2018 Infographic

We’re All About Local Search Made Easy

When it comes to improving local search results placement and optimizing a business’ local presence online, there are five must-haves for getting found online.

1. Accuracy Is Everything

 When people want something in today’s society, they want it now. That means, in order to be found, all local business listings need to be up to par, especially with the fast-paced demands of the average online consumer. Inaccurate listings can seriously set a business back. Every local business must absolutely have a resource for building citations and cleaning up bad data.

2. Manage That Reputation

A handful of bad reviews on Google or Yelp can drive a business into the gutter. Only 13 percent of consumers are willing to use a business with one- or two-star ratings. That’s why local businesses need to monitor their online presence and the reviews customers leave behind. Not only do they need to combat the negative reviews, but they also need to respond to the positive reviews in order to maintain an exemplary online reputation.

3. Optimize and Create What Inspires Others to Take Action

Consumers today are looking for straight-forward, user-friendly websites that are easy to navigate. They also want to see real content that provides them with legitimate information. If the business’ website frequently experiences technical issues, is crowded with unnecessary copy, or is generally difficult to use, then they’re in trouble. In fact, 67 percent of consumers lose trust in a business if they get lost trying to find it. While this stat applies to the real world, you can imagine it has the same impact, if not greater, online.

4. Go With Social

To connect with a vast audience, a strong social media presence is vital. Twitter, Facebook, and other popular platforms provide access to thousands of potential customers and methods to drive traffic to a business’ website. Plus, most social media platforms come with free metrics for tracking reach and popularity, so it’s easy to learn quite a bit about the target audience.

5. Measure With Metrics

It’s impossible to track the success of a business, let alone a website, without keeping frequent records. Reviewing and assessing data is the only way to know how well a business is truly doing, and without records, taking the necessary steps to achieve better results in the future isn’t possible.

Did We Make it Simple Enough?

To help you and your clients make local search easy, we’ve created this detailed infographic that you can share with everyone. Embed the infographic on your blog (see below for the embed code) and share this knowledge with your online community.

At Advice Local, we are always looking for the best ways to better serve our agency, brand and franchise partners. Need help following these five big tips? Not a partner yet? Request a demo to see how we can get you where you need to be.

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Feel free to use our knowledge to empower yourselves and others, but please do give us credit for the infographic.

The post Making Local Search Trends Simple in 2018 Infographic appeared first on Advice Local.